Anti-Smart Meter Songs to Be Featured as Band
Agenda 21 Plays at the Water Hill Music Festival
Get the Word Out at the Festival!
Join Us Flyering and Petitioning
Meet up Afterward to Share and Strategize
Sunday, May 3, 2–6 p.m. --Ann Arbor-- (Rain date, May 10)
Our own Leslie Panzica,
who has been living without power for over a month now,
headlines the band Agenda 21
at the Water Hill Music Festival
Sunday, May 3, 2–6 p.m. in Ann Arbor (Rain Date, May 10)
Get the Word Out! Join Us Flyering and Petitioning
Music for every taste
Rock, Balkan, Classical, Jazz, Folk, Shape Note, Bluegrass
You name it, it’ll be there. 100s of bands.
who has been living without power for over a month now,
headlines the band Agenda 21
at the Water Hill Music Festival
Sunday, May 3, 2–6 p.m. in Ann Arbor (Rain Date, May 10)
Get the Word Out! Join Us Flyering and Petitioning
Music for every taste
Rock, Balkan, Classical, Jazz, Folk, Shape Note, Bluegrass
You name it, it’ll be there. 100s of bands.
The festivities last from 2– 6 p.m.
Accomplished musicians play in front yards throughout the Water Hill
area. The event is free. This is an easy way for you to pass out those
100 flyers we talked about in our last newsletter. The weather should be
beautiful, with a high of 76 and just a 20% chance of rain.
Our own Leslie Panzica, who has been
living without power for over a month now, headlines the band Agenda 21. She'll
sing two songs she composed about smart meters: “Zapped” and “Current.”
Leslie will tell the audience her story as she introduces her songs.
She’ll let the audience know that we will be gathering petition
signatures and handing out literature. You can read various parts of
Leslie's story here, here, and here. Here story also appears on our Opt-Out Flyer and on our General Health Flyer. We can flyer and petition anywhere at the festival. Select the bands you want to see, and pass out flyers.
The Water Hill Music Festival (FB page and website) brings in crowds of Ann Arborites and people from surrounding communities to listen music played in people’s front yards. What better way to get the word out! People attending community events like these are open to petitions, flyers, and talking for a few minutes about smart meters.

The Water Hill Music Festival (FB page and website) brings in crowds of Ann Arborites and people from surrounding communities to listen music played in people’s front yards. What better way to get the word out! People attending community events like these are open to petitions, flyers, and talking for a few minutes about smart meters.
Have some fun! Surely nearly all of you in the Ann Arbor, Dexter, and Ypsilanti
can come for an hour! Everyone else, come too! You'll get to choose
from a hundred musicians, and this is an easy way to get information on
smart meters out to hundreds of people. Let's also gather signatures on
our petition that will go to legislators. You can pass out flyers and
gather signatures during the entire festival, or for an hour or two.
Whatever suits you. Find flyers and petitions here.
This is also a great chance for all of us who know each other only over email to meet. For all who want to, we’ll meet after the festivities at 5:30 at my home (which is less than a mile away) to talk, get to know each other, and strategize. Email us at smartmetereducationetwork @ for more info. You can bring food to eat, or we can order out.
Please be sure to read this page about the festival if you plan to attend. It has information that will help you plan.

This is also a great chance for all of us who know each other only over email to meet. For all who want to, we’ll meet after the festivities at 5:30 at my home (which is less than a mile away) to talk, get to know each other, and strategize. Email us at smartmetereducationetwork @ for more info. You can bring food to eat, or we can order out.
Please be sure to read this page about the festival if you plan to attend. It has information that will help you plan.
Flyering and Petitioning
See our flyers and petitions page. Load up on flyers and petitions, and come out! We have a simple spiel you can use. Sample Spiel.
I hope to develop a new flyer by the end of this week for areas that have already been installed. If I get done before Sunday, I’ll send it out via the newsletter.
If you plan to attend or are pretty sure you will, please click here. We’d like to know how many people will be coming out to help the cause next Sunday.
As always, leave your cell phones in your car, or at least turn them off. I will be at Agenda 21, and the fewer cell phones I am exposed to, the better. Did you know your cell phone tracks you 24/7 unless you remove the battery?
I hope to develop a new flyer by the end of this week for areas that have already been installed. If I get done before Sunday, I’ll send it out via the newsletter.
If you plan to attend or are pretty sure you will, please click here. We’d like to know how many people will be coming out to help the cause next Sunday.
As always, leave your cell phones in your car, or at least turn them off. I will be at Agenda 21, and the fewer cell phones I am exposed to, the better. Did you know your cell phone tracks you 24/7 unless you remove the battery?

Agenda 21, the Band
Performing Sunday, May 3rd, from 3:30 to 4:30 pm at 815 Daniel St.
Sherry Lutz, guitar; Leslie Panzica, bass
guitar and vocals; Neil Lau, guitar; Steve Gamburd, drums. Sherry is
also a smart-meter resister and lives in Warren.
I’ve heard another band Leslie and Sherry are in, and the band was fantastic. Agenda 21 was formed to help realize a better world through music. The songs bring awareness to issues through a danceable mix of rock, reggae, and funk. Influences include Bob Marley, PJ Harvey, The Clash, Black Keys, Cat Stevens, Nirvana, and Jefferson Airplane.
Leslie has written two songs about smart meters. She will tell her story, introduce those of us who are there to flyer and petition. Then she and the rest of the band will play their great music!
I’ve heard another band Leslie and Sherry are in, and the band was fantastic. Agenda 21 was formed to help realize a better world through music. The songs bring awareness to issues through a danceable mix of rock, reggae, and funk. Influences include Bob Marley, PJ Harvey, The Clash, Black Keys, Cat Stevens, Nirvana, and Jefferson Airplane.
Leslie has written two songs about smart meters. She will tell her story, introduce those of us who are there to flyer and petition. Then she and the rest of the band will play their great music!

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